Our Services
Our Counsellors
All of our counsellors are carefully selected. They receive clinical supervision and the service adheres to the Ethical Framework of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Our counsellors come from all walks of life and are varied in age, social group and background. All of them work voluntarily. These include: qualified counsellors, counsellors in supervised training and others with considerable experience of this area of work. All are particularly interested in working with the bereaved.
How Does Counselling Work?​
Everyone has a unique experience after someone they were close to has died and each person has to find their own individual way through their feelings.
Alongside sadness and pain, they may also experience guilt, anger, resentment, confusion about changes in surviving relationships, a reassessment of the past or uncertainty about the future. The bereavement might be recent, or a long time ago.
People use counselling support for many different reasons. Some may have friends and family but feel reluctant to burden them with their grief or wish to protect those who are also grieving from further pain. Sometimes people surrounding the bereaved person fail to understand what they’re going through or do not want to hear. Perhaps the bereaved person is far from family and friends who may be living in different parts of the country or even across the World. Others may be coping with demanding work or family commitments and find there is little time to grieve or that they have to put on a ‘brave face’ for much of the time, despite complex feelings which may be affecting their day to day life.
Counselling offers the opportunity to meet each week, to talk about all the different thoughts and feelings following bereavement or loss.
We are a confidential counselling service and abide by the BACP code of ethics.

One of our counselling rooms at our York Mews service.
Counselling Services
We offer counselling support in different ways:
Early Intervention Counselling
Aimed at providing immediate support after an unexpected death. Sessions are with the same counsellor each week on the same day and the same time.
Each session lasts 50 minutes. Clients are offered three sessions.
One-to-one Counselling
Clients see the same counsellor each week on the same day and the same time.
Each session lasts 50 minutes. Clients are usually offered up to 12 sessions. In specific circumstances this may be extended to up to 20 sessions.
Bereavement Group Counselling
Working together with two group counsellors, clients learn to support each other.
Bereavement Counselling groups run for 8 weeks and each session is 2.5 hours. We offer face-to-face and online bereavement counselling groups. Click here to register your interest in one of our Bereavement Counselling Groups in 2023.
Counselling in Preparation for a Bereavement
Counselling for people who are not bereaved but have a terminally ill friend or relative.
Loss Counselling
Loss counselling is aimed at clients who need support with a significant loss in their life, such as a relationship or job.
Employee Support
When an employee or a colleague dies, the personal and professional worlds meet. This can create additional strain for everyone. We can work with employers to offer support by arranging group or individual counselling sessions. Please contact our Director, Vybra Morris, to discuss further.
How to Access our Counselling Services
To refer yourself for individual counselling, please visit our referrals page.​
To register for one of our Bereavement Counselling Groups in 2023, please click here.
Cost of Counselling with CCIWBS​
Clients registered with a Camden or Islington GP can access one-to-one or group bereavement counselling for free.
Our services are available to clients from other boroughs on a contributions basis.
Social Support Groups in Nature
Throughout the year we run local support groups to give people who have experienced bereavement and loss opportunities to meet and be with others outside and experience nature in London. These are not therapy groups and each project aims to encourage social inclusion, peer support and friendships with others.
To find out more, click here.