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Supporting Yourself

Grief is often far from straightforward. Not everyone experiences sadness after a loss guilt, panic, fear, self-pity and anger, even towards the person you have lost.

Many people also experience a loss of confidence and an inability to cope, and feel they need to hide this. But this too is part of grief and it’s important that you share your feelings with a supportive listener. You may feel convinced that your friends are avoiding you. Unfortunately this often happens and is probably due to embarrassment – ‘not knowing what to say’. It may be up to you to take the first step to let them know you need their support. Wanting to run away Bereavement is a time of very painful and confusing emotions, but you need to experience them in order to begin to build your life again. It is often very tempting to make major changes to your life, for example, moving house or disposing of possessions. However, it may be more helpful to take time to weigh up these decisions, to avoid future regrets about having acted too hastily. Overcoming isolation As well as feeling emotional pain, it is not uncommon to feel physically run down. You may find it difficult to eat, sleep or concentrate. Eventually these symptoms will ease. Only if they persist for a long time should you be concerned and seek the support of your doctor. Grief is a very individual process and you will have your own unique experience, so don’t feel abnormal if your feelings do not follow the pattern outlined above. Equally, it is a very isolating process – it feels as if no one else could possibly understand. It may help you to remember that millions of others have gone through this very difficult experience – and have survived.

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